For foreign key creation, another table with a primary key with a compatible data type is required. 对于创建外键,则需要另外一个具有主键的表,且该主键具有兼容的数据类型。
Therefore, you need to map the foreign key attribute in Employee to the Department's primary key. 因此您需要将Employee的外部关键字属性,与Department的主关键字映射上。
The second form is system identifiers for recording the primary key used in other applications that store the product. 第二种形式是系统标识符,用于记录其他存储产品的应用程序中使用的主键。
So a different solution was found if an identifying column like a primary key is found in the table. 所以,如果在表中找到一个标识列,例如主键,则可以找到一种不同的解决方案。
The target table must have a primary key. 目标表必须有一个主键。
When a primary key constraint is defined, the federated system automatically creates a unique index specification. 当定义一个主键约束时,联邦系统自动创建一个惟一的索引规范。
As we mentioned above, they all have a column named ID as a primary key. 前面我们提过,它们都有一个叫作ID的列,并将该列作为主键。
If one is not supplied, one is created by default from the first column of the primary key. 如果没有提供分区键,则默认地从主键的第一个列创建分区键。
This article described three approaches to implementing a surrogate key as primary key. 本文描述了实现作为主键的代理键的三种方法。
Every record in the table has a unique ID called the primary key. 表中的每个记录都有一个惟一的ID,称为主键。
Above, a many-to-one relationship is defined across a foreign key that is also part of a primary key. 在上例中,跨外键(也是主键的一部分)定义了多对一关系。
The primary key and any unique index of the table must be a superset of the associated partitioning key. 表的主键和所有惟一索引都必须是相关分区键的超集。
Note that insert, update and delete are only allowed on tables that have a primary key. 注意,只能在具有主键的表上进行插入、更新和删除。
The primary key should also have an@ ID annotation. 主键也应该有一个@ID注释。
The application never knows what value is put into the primary key column after running the INSERT statement. 在运行INSERT语句之后,应用程序将永远都不知道放入了主键列中的是什么值。
In this case, there is no primary key available in the EPR. 在这个范例中,EPR中没有可用的主键。
The second ( REF_ESTATE_ID) is the column name from the other table's primary key. 第二个(REFESTATEID)是另外一个表的主键的列名。
This includes both DDS-created files and SQL indexes as well as physical files with a Primary Key constraint. 这包括DDS创建的文件和SQL索引,以及带有PrimaryKey约束的物理文件。
The first two columns selected and inserted are simply the primary key. 选择和插入的前两列就是主键。
This becomes the primary key in the physical model. 这成为物理模型中的主键。
However, you may need to manually define a primary key in the data source view. 但是,您可能需要在数据源视图中手动定义主键。
Another user or application has deleted this record or changed the value of its primary key. 其他用户或应用程序已经删除了该记录或更改了其主键的值。
This primary key is called the "system security key" in netsh wlan commands. 这个主密钥在netshwlan命令中叫做“系统安全密钥”。
The primary key of a table must be unique to identify the record in the table. 为了识别表中的记录,表的主键必须唯一。
This row contains data in a foreign key that requires a primary key value that has been deleted. 此行在外键中包含的某些数据要求主键值,而该主键值已被删除。
Each table in the database can have at most one PRIMARY KEY constraint. 每个数据库表上最多只能定义一个PRIMARYKEY约束。
Create a relationship between the primary key and foreign key columns. 在主键列和外键列之间创建关系。
Null value is not allowed in unique index or primary key. 唯一性索引或主键中不允许有空值。
Setting a field as the primary key automatically defines the field as unique. 将字段设为主键会自动将字段定义成唯一的。
The Primary Key on the mobile device collides with one in the host database. 移动设备上的主码与宿主机数据源中的主码冲突。